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English Question Bank
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There were ---- customers than anticipated.
  1. fewer
  2. less

Q2. The best way to keep something under wraps is to

  1. put it into the refrigerator
  2. stop thinking about it
  3. let as few people as possible know about it
Correct Answer

Q3. I’ve been trying to phone to Charles all evening, but there must be something wrong with the line; I can’t seem to ______.

  1. get down
  2. get together
  3. get out
  4. get through
Correct Answer

Q4. I don’t know why their marriage is breaking ______.

  1. through
  2. in
  3. up
Correct Answer

Q5. If you take something with a pinch of salt,

  1. you like your food to be salty
  2. you don't completely believe something because you think it's probably not true
  3. you think something might bring you bad luck
Correct Answer

Q6. A: The new boss looks a bit serious, doesn’t he? I don’t think I’m going to like him. B: Oh, come on, Joyce, you can’t go ______ appearances. He’s probably very nice.

  1. after
  2. by
  3. out
  4. over
Correct Answer

Q7. Find the synonym of the following word. ***** Use up

  1. consume
  2. stack
  3. draw up
  4. put by
Correct Answer

Q8. Your cough ______ get better if you don’t stop smoking.

  1. will
  2. would
  3. won’t
  4. didn’t
Correct Answer

Q9. My Uncle Jed lives in a little old cabin in the back of beyond, right near

  1. a subway station
  2. a baseball stadium
  3. a mountain range
Correct Answer

Q10. She heard a sound ______ brought her heart into her mouth.

  1. what
  2. who
  3. whenever
  4. which
Correct Answer

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